7 Top Social Media Monitoring Tools and Why You Need Them 

    Social media monitoring tools are the best way to find out what people are saying about your brand. And also what they’re saying about your product, your competitors, your industry, your Super Bowl ad, your pandemic response, your customer service wait times, your new mascot basically, anything your audience could possibly have an opinion on. 

    What is social media monitoring? 

    Social media monitoring is the practice of tracking and analyzing what people are saying about a brand, product, or topic on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. It involves the use of specialized software tools to collect and analyze data from social media sites, including mentions, shares, comments, and other interactions.

    Social media monitoring can provide valuable insights into customer opinions, sentiment, and behavior, as well as identify emerging trends and issues. It can also help companies and organizations measure the effectiveness of their social media marketing efforts and improve their engagement with customers.

    Social media monitoring can be used for a variety of purposes, including reputation management, customer service, market research, competitor analysis, and crisis management. It is an important tool for businesses and organizations looking to stay competitive in today’s digital landscape.       

    How to set up social media monitoring

    1. Define your goals: Determine what you want to achieve through social media monitoring, whether it’s tracking brand reputation, analyzing customer sentiment, identifying opportunities, or tracking competitors.
    2. Choose the right social media monitoring tool: There are many social media monitoring tools available, ranging from free to paid, with different features and capabilities. Choose a tool that fits your needs and budget.
    3. Set up your social media accounts: Create and/or link your social media accounts to the monitoring tool, ensuring that you have access to all the data you want to track.
    4. Choose the keywords to monitor: Select the keywords and phrases that are relevant to your brand or topic, and that you want to track.
    5. Set up alerts: Configure your monitoring tool to send alerts when a keyword or phrase is mentioned on social media, and choose how often you want to receive them.
    6. Analyze the data: Once the monitoring is set up, start analyzing the data to gain insights and identify trends. Look for patterns in sentiment, engagement, and other metrics to inform your marketing and customer service strategies.
    7. Take action: Use the insights you gain to take action and improve your social media marketing efforts. Respond to customer feedback, address negative comments, and leverage opportunities to engage with your audience.

    Overall, social media monitoring is an ongoing process that requires regular analysis and adjustment. By monitoring social media activity, you can stay up-to-date with customer sentiment, identify trends, and make informed decisions that can help you achieve your goals.

    13 essential brand social media monitoring tools you should consider:


    Hootsuite is a popular social media management platform that offers monitoring, scheduling, and analytics features. It allows you to monitor multiple social media accounts and track conversations, keywords, and hashtags across various platforms.


    Mention is a real-time media monitoring tool that tracks mentions of your brand across social media platforms, blogs, forums, and news sites. It provides sentiment analysis, competitive analysis, and influencer tracking features.


    Brandwatch is a powerful social media listening tool that provides in-depth analytics and insights into your brand’s reputation, sentiment, and customer behavior. It offers advanced filtering and segmentation features that allow you to target specific audiences and topics.

    Sprout Social

    Sprout Social is a social media management and monitoring tool that offers scheduling, publishing, and engagement features, along with real-time monitoring and reporting. It provides sentiment analysis, influencer tracking, and competitive benchmarking features.


    BuzzSumo is a content research and monitoring tool that helps you find popular content related to your brand or topic. It offers social media monitoring and analytics features that allow you to track mentions, shares, and engagement on various platforms.

    Google Alerts

    Google Alerts is a free monitoring tool that tracks mentions of your brand or keywords across the web. It sends email alerts when a new mention is detected, allowing you to monitor your brand’s reputation and identify opportunities.


    Awario is a social media monitoring tool that offers sentiment analysis, influencer tracking, and competitive analysis features. It provides real-time monitoring across various platforms and allows you to track mentions, hashtags, and keywords.


    Nexalogy is another social media monitoring tool that uses advanced algorithms and natural language processing to analyze social media conversations and identify relevant topics, trends, and influencers. It can help boost businesses and organizations monitor their brand reputation, track competitors, identify market opportunities, and measure the impact of their social media campaigns. 

    Nexalogy offers features such as sentiment analysis, network mapping, topic modeling, and custom reporting. It is particularly useful for businesses and organizations that operate in highly competitive and fast-paced industries.


    Mentionlytics is a social media monitoring tool that allows businesses and organizations to track and analyze brand mentions, sentiment, and engagement across multiple social media platforms. It uses advanced algorithms to identify trends and insights and provides real-time alerts for brand mentions and keyword tracking. 

    Mentionlytics offers features such as sentiment analysis, influencer tracking, competitor analysis, and custom reporting. It can be particularly useful for businesses and organizations that are looking to monitor their online reputation, improve customer engagement, and track the effectiveness of their social media campaigns.


    Reputology is a social media monitoring and reputation management tool that is designed to help businesses and organizations manage and respond to customer feedback across multiple review sites and social media platforms. It allows businesses to track and analyze customer feedback and reviews, respond to comments and complaints, and improve customer satisfaction. 

    Reputology offers features such as sentiment analysis, review response templates, team collaboration tools, and custom reporting. It is particularly useful for businesses and organizations in industries such as hospitality, retail, and healthcare, where customer feedback and reviews can have a significant impact on reputation and customer acquisition.


    Tweepsmap is a social media monitoring and analytics tool that focuses on Twitter. It allows businesses and organizations to track and analyze their Twitter account and engagement metrics, such as followers, retweets, mentions, and engagement rates. 

    Tweepsmap offers features such as follower insights, location-based analytics, competitor analysis, and tweet scheduling. It can help businesses and organizations improve their Twitter presence and engagement by identifying the most effective content, hashtags, and timing for tweets. It is particularly useful for businesses and organizations that rely heavily on Twitter as a marketing and customer engagement channel.

    Reddit Keyword Monitor Pro

    Reddit Keyword Monitor Pro is a monitoring tool that is specifically designed to monitor and analyze conversations on Reddit. It allows businesses and organizations to track specific keywords and phrases, identify emerging trends, and engage with relevant communities and subreddits. 

    Reddit Keyword Monitor Pro offers features such as real-time monitoring, sentiment analysis, keyword tracking, and custom reporting. It can be particularly useful for businesses and organizations that are looking to engage with niche communities and audiences on Reddit and track the effectiveness of their social media marketing efforts on the platform.


    Talkwalker is a monitoring and analytics tool that allows businesses and organizations to monitor and analyze conversations across various social media platforms, news websites, blogs, and forums. It provides real-time insights into brand mentions, sentiment, and engagement, and allows users to track keywords and hashtags across multiple languages and countries.

    Talkwalker offers features such as sentiment analysis, competitive analysis, crisis management tools, and custom reporting. It can be particularly useful for businesses and organizations that operate in multiple markets and regions and need to track and analyze conversations across different languages and cultural contexts.


    There are several social media monitoring tools available that can help businesses and organizations with these tasks. These tools offer features such as real-time monitoring, sentiment analysis, keyword tracking, custom reporting, and crisis management tools. Some popular social media monitoring tools include Hootsuite, Nexalogy, Mentionlytics, Reputology, Tweepsmap, Reddit Keyword Monitor Pro, and Talkwalker.

    By using these monitoring tools, businesses and organizations can gain valuable insights into their brand reputation, customer sentiment, and social media engagement. This information can help them make informed decisions and improve their strategies to achieve their goals.

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